Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Review on Si Horton's video on FARO Scene 5.3 Features

Video by Si Horton on YouTube

Si Horton is a Scene genius and his popular YouTube videos on using Scene Software and getting more and more reach. 

In the video above he goes into great detail about using the newest Scene 5.3 Features of Cloud to Cloud Registration to Survey Control. The video entails easy step by step instructions do do so and is informative to any Scene user. 

At 12.40 min into the Video Si goes into some Navigational tips on using a 3D Connexion mouse for easy maneuvering inside Scene software. I personally use the same 3D mouse for my Scene and AutoCAD software. I am glad Si talked about this as I can attest to how the mouse is easy to use and makes you work faster and more efficient. I have been working in 3D Software for over a decade now and once I was introduced to the 3D Connexion mouse my ease of panning, orbiting and maneuvering around 3D environments was easier then ever before. 

Screen shot Image taken from Video mentioned above 

Have you used this method before, what are your experience?

Scan On,