Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ada Lovelace invention of the Computer Algorithm

Image by Wikipedia via Website

Amongst the many technological growth and inventions that we get to see today, the computer technology stands out as the best of all. It paved way for the growth and development of other fields and areas. The invention of the computer algorithm changed and revolutionized the tech world to a considerable extent. Ada Lovelace came out with the first ever computer algorithm and was regarded as first computer programmer. She was a prominent mathematician and write and was known for her interest in developing the tech arena.

Ada, Countess of Lovelace

Born in the year 1815, Ada Lovelace was the only child of Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Milbanke, who happened to be the Baroness of Wentworth. Byron got separated from his wife soon after Ada was born and he died when she was eight years old. Her mother was the only parental figure in Ada’s life that made sure to develop her interest in logic and mathematics. She believed that by doing so, her daughter would be safeguarded from the influence of her father. Ada Lovelace married Lord William in the year 1835, who was made the Earl of Lovelace in the year 1838. It was then she became the Lady of Lovelace. She died on November 27, 1852 at the age of 37 owing to uterine cancer.
Ada was thought mathematics at a much earlier age as her mother wants her to keep away from the insanity of her father. She was privately tutored by science and mathematics by William Frend.

Computer knowledge and interest

Ada Lovelace showed keen interest computer technology and she was well known for her research and work on Charles Babbage mechanical computer called the Analytical Engine. She was interested in wide range of fields and was an Analyst, Founder of Scientific Computing and Metaphysician. In 1842, she worked along with Charles Babbage at the University of London. She left some notes which were discovered and republished in the year 1953, more than century after Ada’s death. In one of the notes, she was known to have described algorithm to compute the Bernoulli numbers in Analytical Engine. It was definitely considered as the first computer program.

It is a well known fact that this particular algorithm was an essential part in helping Alan Turing’s construction of the first modern computer 1940 to 1950. It can very well be concluded that though Ada lived for a short period of time her contribution to the computer field is magnanimous. 

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